Monday, January 23, 2012

Welcome to the Land of Failure

Today is an exciting day - a beginning (as is everyday) of forward motion against resistance. This is the land of failed attempts and great strides along the journey towards ultimate success- Welcome!

I began this project on my personal domain as I was coming off a summer internship in Oklahoma City. It was a wonderful experience and I wanted to share all the nuggets of practical wisdom that I had distilled through the process into an approachable format that would benefit my classmates but I grew gun shy.

I finally "hit publish" and moved forward with a post about starting from where you are and completing versus perfecting. Several months later I now realize that the article is really about being decisive and committed to moving forward.

I had big dreams but didn't accomplish my goal for the site for the Fall semester of 2011. Now I'm attacking this project. I believe in it. I've partnered with RSU Career Services to share with you simple thoughts and practical lessons that work. This isn't rocket science, but it requires you to do the work.

It's time to attack the transition from college to career.

Oh, and don't be fooled. The lessons I share with you I must continually learn myself. The day I stop actively engaging with these lessons is the day I'll stagnate.

Welcome to the journey. It's about you and together there is much we can achieve!

Let your voice be heard! Follow and interact through the links below.

1 comment:

  1. The Oklahoma Military Academy Alumni Association (OMA was on campus from 1919 to 1971) has started a Mentoring Program on the Hill. It will be initially offered to Presidential Scholars and then eventually opened to everyone at RSU. You will get to communicate with former students "on the Hill" who have been in virtually every field...from talking or e-mailing to retired Generals, lawyers, pharmcists, airline pilots, builders, franchise owners,newspapermen, etc. etc. You will have the opportunity to go one-on-one with individuals who will offer career advice, give you suggestions on managing a career and help you get into the career that you want with possible internships.
    You can contact Dr Titsworth's office or Danette Boyle, Executive Director of th OMA Alumni Association whose office is upstairs in Meyer Hall and who has a list of mentors and their field of expertise. We are here to help you...confidentially and with the real story on your career!
    Best of luck
    Phil Goldfarb RPh.
    Vice President, OMA Alumni Association
    Chairman of the OMA Alumni Mentoring Program
