Monday, January 30, 2012

What do you do when you don't know the answer?

"Nothing" is the most common response.

Most of us do nothing until we know the answer. We study, practice, toil and wait for approval.
Approval is fine, but what happens most of the time?

Most of the time there's something that needs to be done and the answer is unknon until you take action.

That's what the world is waiting for you to do. Employers, professors, spouses and parents alike are eager for you to move forward. Fear of the unkonwn can be paralyzing, but it doesn't have to be. Jumping from college to career is saturated with questions which have lost answers. The answers are waiting for you to find them.

Play hide and seek. Go look in the crafty, sneaky places.

Take action and don't wait to be given permission to achieve greatness. You're time is now. What's holding you back? What do you need to do?

Week Two: Book Giveaway Plus Your Questions

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Divorce Court Is Like A Job Search

During our final stretch of winter break, I was sitting in the Owasso Public Library hustling through work for a client and completing a final push for my latest brand.

Sitting at the table next to me was a man facing a many of life's obstacles. Rightfully so, he was droning through several loud phone calls about his recent divorce. Oddly, it was a bit captivating until he began a laundry list of why he is a victim:
  • I'm a traveling sales agent
  • We're in a struggling economy
  • I've lost my confidence
  • I'm not making commissions
  • I can't predict my income
All true, all valid (especially those tied to emotions of loss) and all are within his control.

Sometimes it feels so right to assign blame to circumstances or individuals but this will get you nowhere in the job hunt. Blaming will keep you stuck in neutral.

Unfortunately many turn to blame.

This semester commit to personal accountability. Choose to be responsible for the actions (both positive and negative) that you take. A great book to read on this subject is QBQ!: the question behind the question. It examines the nature of personal accountability and gives insight to “blame” that is spot-on.

So there you have it. The first book reccomendation of this project. There will be more to come and I'll even review a few. What have you read that has made a lasting impact?

Monday, January 23, 2012

Welcome to the Land of Failure

Today is an exciting day - a beginning (as is everyday) of forward motion against resistance. This is the land of failed attempts and great strides along the journey towards ultimate success- Welcome!

I began this project on my personal domain as I was coming off a summer internship in Oklahoma City. It was a wonderful experience and I wanted to share all the nuggets of practical wisdom that I had distilled through the process into an approachable format that would benefit my classmates but I grew gun shy.

I finally "hit publish" and moved forward with a post about starting from where you are and completing versus perfecting. Several months later I now realize that the article is really about being decisive and committed to moving forward.

I had big dreams but didn't accomplish my goal for the site for the Fall semester of 2011. Now I'm attacking this project. I believe in it. I've partnered with RSU Career Services to share with you simple thoughts and practical lessons that work. This isn't rocket science, but it requires you to do the work.

It's time to attack the transition from college to career.

Oh, and don't be fooled. The lessons I share with you I must continually learn myself. The day I stop actively engaging with these lessons is the day I'll stagnate.

Welcome to the journey. It's about you and together there is much we can achieve!

Let your voice be heard! Follow and interact through the links below.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Pay It Forward

Thanks for coming to the Neutral Goes Nowhere site. We'll be launching this project soon! So while you're waiting, here is what you can expect from NGN and how it all began...

The mission of NGN is to help students and recent graduates attack the transition from college to career, make their own choices, change their lives and change the world.

The writing you’ll find here some would consider unconventional. However, I have no silver bullet and I'm not selling snake oil. These are practical thoughts and lessons learned from the past five years of daily efforts to live a remarkable life.


I am a communicator, visual artist, freelance photographer, lifelong learner... and student.

I stumbled through the transition from high school to college struggling to discern purpose and direction for life. During this time I took a step away from education and began a small freelance photography business.

It was thrilling, challenging, and exhausting—all good qualities to have in an adventure, but at the time I didn't recognize it as an adventure. Daily I faced the frustration of what seemed like failed attempts at forward motion. I was stuck.

That was until I found my way to Rogers State University in the fall of 2009. Little did I know that my time at RSU would speak volumes into the development of myself and the refinement of my personal skills.

Now it's time that I share my experiences with you. Thanks for reading!